Ditch Paper…
use a phone or tablet!

Running quals just got easy, even using time and accuracy together.

From the makers of PractiScore

  • Instant results.
  • No paper.
  • Time every shot.
  • Replace turning targets.
  • Your own marksmanship data warehouse. 
  • Detailed analysis. 

Your quals just got better, easier, and faster.  

JMAP is used by the USMC, FBI, DEA, and others to measure thousands of shooters every month. 


Qualification automation

We put USMC quals, the FBI Qual, the DEA qual, and many others into an Android/iOS app that anybody can use in seconds.

It’s easy to add more. Let’s do yours… make paper, handwriting, and math go away. Be done with last shots!

Email sales@scoringtech.com to learn more about making your unit / agency quals a LOT easier, faster, and more accurate.

Unit/Agency Audits

Private, mission driven, marksmanship tests and audits

We conduct private, large scale audits, on thousands of shooters every month. The tests are tactically valid and are run using scientifically/statistically correct methods. We have standard tests, or we can work with you to design tests modeling your mission set. 

You get PRIVATE detailed analysis of test results, performance assessment against realistic threats, and our training experts and data scientists help you understand and react to what the tests tell you. 

Example audits/tests we’ve supported:

  • USMC Infantry Marksmanship Training Package selection. Several thousand shooters over more than a year (and ongoing). 
  • FBI BRF Red Dot vs Iron Sight Study. All FBI Academy entry agents last 1.5 years. 
  • DEA Academy – Development of Agent Marksmanship Assessment being tested/implemented for all students. 
  • DEA – Laser vs Red Dot tests when using full MOPP gear.
  • USMC SYSCOM – M110 Sniper Rifle Configuration testing
  • USANG – M18 Grip Module Performance Comparisons

Email sales@scoringtech.com to learn more. 

Highlights of What JMAP/ScoringTech Does…

App based Scoring

Any qual. Any marksmanship test.
Android or iOS.  
Supports VERY large events (hundreds or thousands of shooters)

Goodbye Paper Scoresheets!

Friends don’t let friends use paper
Kill math errors.
No bad handwriting.
Works in the rain.
Zero data collection errors.
Zero work after the qual is done.

Easy access to all data

PDF scorecards for each shooter. CSV/Excel output of all data. 
Images of all scored targets.

Use Time in your Tests

Real gunfights happen fast.
Your shooters will win more and live longer if they train using time and accuracy.  JMAP easily adds measurement of shot timing at scale, using Bluetooth enabled shot timers or Apple Watch shot timing.

Service you’ll tell friends about

Call, we answer,.
Email – we respond within a working hour.
We know shooting, shooting ranges, and military/LEO qualification processes and function just fine on live-fire ranges. 

Private Marksmanship Data Warehouse

Store all data in an IL5 (.gov secure) cloud, private to your organization. Easy access and organization. Very safe and private. We currently store gigabytes of marksmanship data. Let’s organize and store yours!

Data Analysis & Dashboards 

We know data. We know how to analyze and report on it.  Our data scientists can help you tell a story about your marksmanship – maybe even convincing higher ups to make changes.

Gunfight Modeling 

We use accuracy and shot time data to simulate millions of gun fights between your shooters and threats. This gives you and your leadership a more realistic estimate of marksmanship ability in a language they can understand… Stops, Casualties, and Unaccounted Rounds (shot by bad guy and good guy).

Unbiased Independent Assessments

Get unbiased, scientifically and statistically valid, assessments of your unit/agency/service’s marksmanship skill versus a modeled threat, and/or another designated unit/population. We do these weekly somewhere (usually multiple) – can we do one for you?  Read more here.

Let’s Talk Testing Shooting

We love talking shooting, training, and measuring shooting skill.
Let us know what you need – support@scoringtech.com

Or text to setup a return call from one of our founders:
Jay Phillips
Ken Nelson
(435) 703 2897

What’s it Cost?


The Office of Navy Research funds core development of JMAP, and as part of that funding JMAP is available generally for smaller scale use to any Marine/Navy unit. We are working with the Marine Corp to become a more widely available system as a Program of Record, which will make it broadly available, and scoring tablets/other equipment available supply items. Contact us to get going with JMAP or for a  unit assessment.

Outside of USMC/Navy

Email  sales@scoringtech.com to setup a conversation about how we can help your agency or unit. He can provide specific cost information, which will follow the outline above.



The Joint Marksmanship Assessment Package (JMAP) is a super easy to use app that runs on iOS and Android phones and tablets. It scores any marksmanship test/qual you can envision – including accuracy tests, and time/accuracy tests.

It is funded by a Navy SBIR for the USMC, where it is used extensively. The FBI, DEA, and other LEO and training agencies also use it regularly.  

How can my unit get JMAP?

Email support@jmapapp.com  or text 435 703 2897. We LOVE for new places to use JMAP. We will respond within a business day or faster. 

What USMC Quals does JMAP support?

JMAP supports all active USMC quals, including:
– Annual Rifle Qualification (ARQ)
– Combat Pistol Program (CPP)
– Tables 3-6
– Infantry Marksmanship Assessment (SOI, MARSOC)
– Marine Marksmanship Assessment (MCT)
– Advanced Marksmanship Training Package (AMTP)
– Custom drills/tests using any paper or steel target
– Shot split time recording via bluetooth shot timers

P.S.  It does a lot more than just USMC quals.  For instance the FBI and DEA quals, and dozens more.  It’s very customizable, so YES – it will do yours too.

What other quals/tests does JMAP support?

We do a lot of different quals, and adding new ones is straight forward. 

Built-in (as of early 2023) are all USMC quals, FBI Qual, DEA Qual, Various common drills (like Bill Drill, so forth), Nelson Performance tests (our internal firearms training company), Tactical Performance Center (a partner training company) tests. 

Want us to add your qual, no problem – just email:
support@scoringtech.com for quick, but not real time answers.

Do you have something I can print?

Ask and receive!

Here is a PDF data sheet for JMAP. And if you scroll down a bit we have more on USMC Quals and other cool things.

What does JMAP cost?

Scroll up… Pricing is right above the FAQ. (-:

I’m using JMAP and need Help

Here for quick help?

If your event is in trouble then text (435) 703 2897 and let us know who you are and what you need. We will call back very quickly.

If less urgent, or to schedule support, just email:
support@scoringtech.com for quick, but not real time answers.

Do you know how well your unit shoots versus a realistic threat?

Find out!

Contact jay@scoringtech.com to discuss an assessment plan.

Read about our assessments here.

P.S. Photo on the right… it’s part of assessment that uses JMAP and ScoringTech field team members that the USMC run on thousands of Marines  a year as a core part of their Marksmanship plan.

Where is JMAP Helping?

JMAP is an enabling technology bringing marksmanship testing and data at scale to places it’s never been used or available.  And it’s making life better for those who RUN marksmanship tests also.

USMC Infantry Schools and Units

The USMC Schools of Infantry use JMAP to score the Infantry Marksmanship Assessment measuring trainee rifle lethality. Over the last 2 years over 3,000 students have been measured twice, yielding detailed time and accuracy performance used by TECOM to select marksmanship training approaches and set training and performance standards..

System/Equipment Testing

Most equipment selection trials assess reliability, durability and to a certain extent user acceptance.

USMC SYSCOM, DEA, and the FBI are now using JMAP to add lethality measurement as a key metric during equipment assessment and selection.

USMC Qualifications

In 2022 the USMC moved to the first new rifle qualification in 100 years. JMAP has been used to score the ARQ since its first rollout events.

Scoring an ARQ, CPP or Table 3-6 with JMAP is easy, requires almost no prep, and provides instant results (including MCTIMS export), along with detailed reports of shooter and unit performance.

JMAP Tech Details

Scoring screen for USMC CPP qual

Platforms and Connectivity

  • iOS 14 or later iPads or iPhones
  • Android 9 or later phones/tablets
  • Integrates with AMG bluetooth shot timer & Recoil apple watch shot timer
  • One event can be scored on any number of devices concurrently – including partial stages (i.e time on line, score in pits). 
  • Data is then “synchronized” or synched by
  • via any local wifi
  • Android->Android via NearShare
  • iOS -> iOS via AirDrop
  • Backup complete events or devices via Cloud (if available), Synch, or NearShare/AirDrop
  • Detailed export of all data via JSON or CSV

Custom Tests

JMAP can be readily customized to any target and course of fire. If you can shoot it, we can score it.

  • Custom targets and scoring regions
  • Any combination of strings, targets, multiple targets, paper or steel per test stage.
  • Any combination of stages into a meta test
  • Collection of time for each shot, with labels (for instance Shot1: 7 yard head shot, shot 3 yard reload, Shot 4–8 7 yard splits)

Built In Quals/Tests

  • All USMC quals (ARQ, CPP, T3-6, IMA, MMA)
  • FBI Pistol and Rifle Qualifications
  • DEA Pistol and Rifle Qualifications
  • All AMTP standards, pre, and post tests
  • Common Hit Factor based tests such as Bill Drill, El Presidente
  • Zero measurement (score and group size)
  • FBI 400 Aggregate
  • Built-in quals have custom user interfaces based on how ranges are run and for most efficient and accurate scoring.
  • Qualification scores have scorer verification and shooter approval signature processes by CAC card scanning or signature.
  • USMC quals have direct exports for business work flow and MCTIMS import
  • Event Management reports identify who is missing, what scores have data errors, and also provide individual, unit, and leadership reports.

Data quality report for an Infantry Marine Assessment. Shows who has bad data, and on what device / firing lane they shot.

Example JMAP Screens

An ARQ summary scoresheet. JMAP does custom user interfaces optimized  for large volume quals . 

Scoring page for Manipulation and Recoil Control (MRC) stage of the USMC Infantry Marine Assessment.  Again, green is good, yellow is “problem”, and red is “incomplete or bad data”. 

Scoring page for Iteration 1 Sustained 500 yard line of the USMC Annual Rifle Qualification.  It goes “green” when good, yellow when incomplete, and red when wrong data is entered.

Shot timing details from an MRC run. These are pulled in automatically via bluetooth connected shot timer.

The Future Is Near (Marksmanship Scoring R&D)

Score by Photograph

Using Artificial Neural Networks we’ve trained JMAP to identify and take the perfect picture of targets using the standard iOS / Android camera. It then finds the bullet holes and scores them automagically. It’s all correctable by a human. This saves time not just by finding the holes, but by permitting restore of the target once the photograph is taken. For extra credit, send this up to the shooting line so they shooter and coaches can make better holds. 

Concurrent Shot TIMING via IMU

Update: Now an app in the APP store! See recoilshottimer.app

JMAP uses shot timers extensively to capture shot splits (the time between shots), as well as the total time taken for a marksmanship task. These “listen” for loud noises and can not be used close together, severely limiting live fire throughput. 

JMAPs IMU timer uses artificial neural networks to “feel” shots – quite accurately and at speeds faster than humans can shoot.  

JMAP Watch Timer will take a 2 hour qual, such as the AMTP, and shrink the time needed to 20 minutes. 

All you need is an Apple Watch Series 3 or later.  

About ScoringTech (makers of JMAP)

We score shooting.

We do PractiScore.com – the defacto scoring system for competitive shooting sports. We have scored over 300,000 shooters, in millions of events, and 10s of millions of tests in the last decade.

And for the last 2 years we’ve done JMAP for the Navy/USMC. 

A few things we’re great at

We’ve run hundreds of shooting events,  scored millions of marksmanship tests, globally, and written
apps and software used by over a million different humans. 


Right now, as you read this, multiple events around the world are using our tools to score their shooting. Some of these people have never used it before, but will succeed. 


It helps to know how to shoot and train shooters really well. We have world champions and bucket list instructors on staff. They help us make better tools for scoring shooting, and improving shooting,

We know USMC 

3 former Marines, all experienced (years) with running (and developing) USMC firing qualifications and tests.  They help us make the USMC qualfiication management and leadership much easier and faster.

Software Development

We are serious computer scientists/programmers and have been in the software industry for decades. We build quality software proven to work at large scales.


Ken Nelson


Ken has a degree in Computer Science/Math from Utah State University. He was an enlisted and officer member of the US Army. He is a serial software entrepeneur. He is founder of SciTools, and also of PractiScore – the leading scoring system for competitive shooting.  Ken is also a very advanced shooter, founder of the Tactical Performance Center firearms training center, operated a large shooting range for over a decade and has run many large practical shooting matches. 

Jay Phillips

Dir Operations

Jay spent 6 years in the oilfields of Southeast Asia as a commercial diver until he met his wife and pulled the pin to came home and work in the firearms industry. With 30 years in the firearms industry, primarily on the manufacturing side with ammunition and firearms, Jay has a wealth of knowledge of the firearms industry. Competitive shooter in USPSA and rifle sports and enjoys hunting.   As an accredited CRO he’s worked level 1,2 and 3 USPSA events and knows his way around a range.

Brian Nelson

Co-Founder / Field Team

Brian is a world, national, and regional champion practical shooter. He has represented the United States in numerous international shooting teams. He was a co-founder, and lead carbine doctrine for the Tactical Performance Center. He originated and runs the Hard as Hell multigun, and the Red Oktober shooting matches. . Brian lives in Fredricksburg, VA and has primary support role for Federal / DoD accounts, as well as providing the expert shooting knowledge we need to make JMAP better.