Maybe it’s pretty bold of us to identify our perfect customer. Perhaps. But why waste your time, or ours?

Shooting skill, as measured objectively and realistically, is VERY important to us. Doing what we do, we end up talking to agencies and units all the time… sometimes we hear this:

“We don’t care about marksmanship”

  • unnamed admin at unnamed police department

We don’t keep the scores, just pass/fail. We don’t want any records”.

  • another unnamed admin at another unnamed police department

Unfortunately, the attitudes above are common.   If you are at either of those agencies, or one like them, well, good luck. 

And you probably want to skip reading, because this article is for those who care a lot about shooting skill and believe that:

If you want something to improve – measure it.

Key Beliefs

  • Marksmanship is important to you. You want to know how your people shoot, and will use that information to improve their skill.
  • You know that in gunfights… time matters and want to test your team/shooters under time stress.
  • Paperwork is a drag, you’d love to make scoring quals quicker/easier, especially on the backend. 
  • Your mission requires different, better, quals/tests. E.G. SWAT, HRT, SOF, LEO Entry Team
  • You welcome data-driven insights, displayed in easy-to-read formats, that can be used to develop a remediation plan.

Are we right for you?

If you like what’s above, there is almost nothing we won’t do to help you. We WANT to make every one of those beliefs a win for you, your leadership, and especially the armed professionals you work for and with.

We hope to hear from you!

Ken Nelson –
Jay Phillips –
Brian Nelson –
Co-Founders of ScoringTech
… makers of PractiScore, JMAP, and Recoil (Apple Watch shot timing app)



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