Tennis has metrics, why not shooting?

I write this as the 1st week of Wimbledon 2023 tennis championship comes to a close. I’ve noticed, like most sports, that tennis has its “metrics” that every serious tennis player understands and works to optimize.

Double Faults… 0 is better…
Unforced Errors… 0 is better…
Winners (shots the opponent doesn’t touch)… more is better.
Aces… points where the opponent never had a chance. Great!
Not shown here are Speed of Serve, and Tie Break, and Head to Head… LOTS OF METRICS!

Even if they took the game count (6-7) off the top, I’d have a pretty good estimate of who won and why.

When I saw this, and the myriad of stats as I watched the F1 race, and my cars trip/energy efficiency stats… I wonder… why do agencies, and police departments, and military units hand its members guns, spend billions on ammo, training, and lawsuits… and don’t have basic important metrics on each of them?

There a zillion reasons as to why shooting doesn’t do metrics. But why fight about that? Instead, why not just make your little part of the world better, and start measuring key metrics for your shooters?

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