
USMC SysCom used JMAP to collect detailed marksmanship performance data for various configuration options of existing and proposed versions of the M110 sniper rifle system. The test involved novel realistic time and accuracy based shooting tests to real-world distances as well as Infantry oriented tests designed to measure the systems when used in sniper team support role. JMAP measured thousands of shots over the space of a week of shooting by experienced snipers.


The specific tests and their results are private. They were designed by SYSCOM and the Office of Navy Research in conjunction with the USMC Sniper School cadre.

The tests were novel, requiring us to add them to JMAP, which we did quickly with simple text editing of the rules of the tests. We tested multiple configurations at once among multiple teams of snipers at realistic speeds and distances for military snipers.

At end of testing, SYSCOM and ONR had accuracy, grouping, and time data for all shots fired, as well as photos of all targets and zeros conducted.

ONR data scientists are now analyzing and reporting on the collected data.

Measure the marksmanship impact of your systems/equipment/training choices.

We can help you measure the marksmanship impact of any system, training, or equipment choice under consideration by your agency, unit or service.

Our services include:

  • Design of scientifically correct, cognitively appropriate marksmanship tests
  • Collection of data for those tests
  • Operation of range events, including subject selection and controls
  • Safe and private storage of all data collected
  • Statistical Analysis and Presentation development of what the data reports

Contact Jay Phillips (jay@scoringtech.com) or Ken Nelson (ken@scoringtech.com) to discuss.


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