Posts in LEO

We are a marksmanship measurement company with mission of improving marksmanship skill among armed professionals that are "the good guys". We offer advanced training, high level marksmanship expertise, and test design expertise because our customers often don't have those skillsets in their organizations yet they are needed for measurement to help them at scale.
Paper scoring means more mistakes, less information, and long waits. Don't do it!
Everything we do these days is influenced by “big data” – except most marksmanship training. Yet, […]
Even the simple Bill Drill holds a wealth of useful information to help your shooters improve... if you look at both time and hits for each shot.
A ScoringTech Marksmanship Assessment (STMA) gives your organization an unprecedented and detailed knowledge of the marksmanship ability of their individuals, component units, and total force - in ways they understand (wins/losses vs a threat). STMA data and assessment analysis are private to your organization. We compare you to a threat, not other units/agencies (although we can if they agree).
Our "perfect" customer cares about marksmanship, is excited about actual measurement of their skill, and wants the details necessary to improve.