Posts in Qualifications

We are a marksmanship measurement company with mission of improving marksmanship skill among armed professionals that are "the good guys". We offer advanced training, high level marksmanship expertise, and test design expertise because our customers often don't have those skillsets in their organizations yet they are needed for measurement to help them at scale.
Testing out the early versions of the Infantry Marine Assessment... Camp Pendleton, CA... 2020 Design a game that implements your marksmanship needs. Use it to drive performance and caring about performance in your marksmanship programs.
Paper scoring means more mistakes, less information, and long waits. Don't do it!
Even the simple Bill Drill holds a wealth of useful information to help your shooters improve... if you look at both time and hits for each shot.
Using JMAP and a technique called "monte carlo simulation) we use 3 Bill Drills to build a powerful model (simulation) of officer performance in millions of simulated fights against a typical untrained but very motivated criminal threat.
Measure the time of each shot during a drill/qualification and get unprecedented and useful marksmanship data at no extra effort if using JMAP's Bluetooth Timer or Apple Watch timer to record all shot times.