We are a marksmanship measurement company with mission of improving marksmanship skill among armed professionals that are “the good guys”. We offer advanced training, high level marksmanship expertise, and test design expertise because our customers often don’t have those skillsets in their organizations yet they are needed for measurement to help them at scale.


All of our customers, who entirely are comprised of armed professionals, are experts at their mission – whether it be law enforcement, facility security, or a particular military skillset/mission set.

To better help then, we have experts on staff that know efficient capture of marksmanship accuracy and timing data, marksmanship skill, marksmanship training in small to medium groups, and also math, statistics, and cognitive psychology.

Marksmanship Expertise…. How fast is “fast”? What accuracy is obtainable, at what distance, what speed? What are the latest advances in technique? Is this reticle impacting performance? We have people on staff that are world leading experts in these topics, that live, breathe, and eat marksmanship. They help customers design and run better tests, training, and know what is possible.

Training… all of our customers have “training”. And some of it is pretty good. And a lot of it is pretty dated or aimed at the lowest denominator (which they self-acknowledge). The number one question we get is “what does it mean?” Second… “what can we do about it?” Often, our training is of instructors of instructors, high up in the organization, injecting latest techniques, as well as helping develop doctrine that is data driven versus faith based.

Test Design... Most humans have zero intuitive knowledge of statistics. As the saying goes.. “there are lies, damn lies, and statistics…”. Our founder has a degree in Computer Science/Statistics, and we have staff members with PhDs in Cognitive Psychology and NeuroBiology. We think about measurement as a way to answer questions… accurately and with as little test induced bias as possible.


We offer Marksmanship expertise, Marksmanship training skill, and Test Design/Statistical know-how help our customers do better marksmanship training via excellent marksmanship testing. If you have all three, great – let’s work together! If not, we are happy to supplement where you might be short.

The key is… start measuring to start improving.

We love talking shooting, training, testing… and even statistics… If you would like to chat about any, or all, of these super interesting topics then please contact us at


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